Blackberries, wild, raw (Alaska Native) |
Caribou, liver, raw (Alaska Native) |
Stew/soup, caribou (Alaska Native) |
Caribou, tongue, raw (Alaska Native) |
Chiton, leathery, gumboots (Alaska Native) |
Fish, devilfish, meat (Alaska Native) |
Fireweed, young leaves, raw (Alaska Native) |
Fish, herring eggs on giant kelp, Pacific (Alaska Native) |
Fish, herring eggs, Pacific, dry (Alaska Native) |
Stew, moose (Alaska Native) |
Agave, cooked (Southwest) |
Agave, dried (Southwest) |
Cattail, Narrow Leaf Shoots (Northern Plains Indians) |
Lambsquarters, raw (Northern Plains Indians) |
Prairie Turnips, boiled (Northern Plains Indians) |
Raspberries, wild (Northern Plains Indians) |
Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians) |
Chokecherries, raw, pitted (Northern Plains Indians) |
Sea lion, Steller, liver (Alaska Native) |
Sea lion, Steller, kidney (Alaska Native) |
Sea lion, Steller, heart (Alaska Native) |
Sea lion, Steller, meat (Alaska Native) |
Piki bread, made from blue cornmeal (Hopi) |
Wocas, tuber, cooked, Oregon, yellow pond lily (Klamath) |
Stew, pinto bean and hominy, badufsuki (Hopi) |
Tamales, masa and pork filling (Hopi) |
APPLEBEE'S, Double Crunch Shrimp |
APPLEBEE'S, french fries |
APPLEBEE'S, KRAFT, Macaroni & Cheese, from kid's menu |
APPLEBEE'S, mozzarella sticks |